Skin Deep

A series of work tackling the subject of cultural reconnection through the use of traditional Indigenous materials (animal skin) as painting surfaces. Being situated in a large urban setting creates a scarcity of historical teachings limiting people's exposure to cultural practices. The use of natural materials such as oil paint, conté and charcoal come forth from the teaching of respecting the animal whose life was taken to produce the artworks. My engagement surrounding each piece starts with stretching the leather which references how hide is typically prepared for tanning. 

Carcass, 2024.
14 x 11 inches.
Oil on Deer Leather.

Loving Berries, 2023.
12 x 9 Inches.
Oil on Deer Leather.

Freshly Caught, 2023.
20 x 12 Inches.
Oil on Deer Leather.

Beheaded, 2022.
10 x 6 Inches.
Conte on Deer Rawhide

Smudge Bowl, 2022.
10 x  6 Inches
Oil on Deer Rawhide

Hunted, 2022.
6'4 x 6 Feet.
Oil on Moose Leather

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